This information is for those who are in the process of immigrating to Québec and need to learn French as part of their application.

For specific information about how to immigrate to Québec, visit the Official Website of the Gouvernement du Québec.

Step 1: Taking a French Course at a Partner Language School

Before arriving in Québec, you can learn French in your country by registering for courses in a language school that is a partner of the Gouvernement du Québec. The Alliance Française de Pasadena is an official partner language school of the Québec Government, and our French courses are eligible for this program.

These courses are for you if:You want to immigrate to Québec and increase your "points" for knowledge of French;

You want to learn French before arriving in Québec. You can receive a reimbursement for certain fees you paid to take French courses abroad under certain conditions (see below).

Step 2: Obtaining Reimbursement for French Courses Taken Abroad

The Québec Government may reimburse the cost of the French courses taken at the Alliance Française de Pasadena under certain conditions. You must prepare your application for reimbursement in your country of origin, but you will file it officially when you live in Québec. You must pay for your French courses yourself when you enroll; you will apply for reimbursement once you live in Québec.

Conditions for obtaining reimbursement
You can apply for reimbursement for more than 1 course. To be reimbursed, you must meet all of the following conditions for each course:
You took your French course in a language school that is a partner of the Québec Government, such as Alliance Française de Pasadena You finished the entire course.You started your course during the 2 years prior to obtaining your Québec Selection Certificate (CSQ) or between the time you obtained your CSQ and your arrival in Québec.You were at least 16 years old at the start of your course.You live in Québec when you request the reimbursement.You obtained your permanent residence less than 2 years before the reimbursement request.
How to prepare to obtain your reimbursement
You will need to gather the following paperwork at the end of your course(s) at the Alliance Française de Pasadena:
Download the form Demande de remboursement des frais de cours de français à l’étranger [Application for reimbursement of the cost of French courses taken abroad]  (in French only - PDF 2.10 MB) and print it. E-mail with this form and ask an authorized person from Alliance Française de Pasadena to complete sections 2, 3 and 4 of the reimbursement form. Sign the form and affix the institution’s seal. Provide, for each of the French courses you have taken: Certificate of studies proving you have taken the entire course (" AF de Pasadena Certificate of Completion"); Receipt proving you have paid the course fees (you should have received a receipt upon enrolling, but AF de Pasadena can also provide copies). Keep the form completed by the language school. You will need to send this copy to obtain your reimbursement once you live in Québec. Once you live in Québec, submit your reimbursement paperwork to Québec Immigration.