100th Anniversary

The employees of Alliance Française de Pasadena

The Board of Directors of Alliance Française de Pasadena
Alliance Française de Pasadena Enters Its Second Century:
The non-profit celebrated 100 years of French-American cultural exchange in Pasadena.
Alliance Française de Pasadena, a non-profit promoting French-American cultural exchange and education in Pasadena, celebrated 100 years in the community at the historic Pasadena Hotel & Pool in April. The elegant cocktail party featured wine, hors d’oeuvres, and live entertainment by French cabaret singer Chloe Perrier and her jazz band.
Remarks were made by Pasadena Mayor Victor Gordo; Savannah Moore, a representative for Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger, Deputy Consul General of France in Los Angeles Dimitri Demianenko, as well as Board President Dan Slater and Committee Chair Hélène Siegel.
One of 107 chapters in the U.S. and part of the Alliance Française global brand, this local chapter was started in Pasadena in 1924 by Paul Elie Perigord, a professor of European History at Caltech. Grace Hubble, wife of astronomer Edwin Hubble, was one of the organization’s first presidents.
In the last 100 years, Alliance Française de Pasadena has played an active role in the Pasadena community: recognizing high school students for academic achievement, hosting lectures by French and American dignitaries and authors, inviting the community to cultural events and clubs, and serving as the largest testing center for DELF certification in the U.S. With deep roots in Pasadena, the Alliance is always looking for new ways to strengthen the French-American connection.
The Alliance looks forward to continuing their legacy in Pasadena as they embark on their second century together. Whether a member of the Alliance or a member of the public with an interest in the French language and Francophone cultures, Alliance Française de Pasadena invites all to partake in their cultural events, including an upcoming event for Bastille Day.
Click here to see our photo album of the event

Victor Godo, Mayor of Pasadena and Dan Slater, President of the Board of Directors of Alliance Française de Pasadena.

Dimitri Demianenko, Deputy Consul of France.

Savannah Moore, representative for Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger and Dan Slater.

Thank you to small business supporters:
Clotilde French Bookstore
They spoke about our 100th Anniversary !
Le Fil d'Alliance, published on July 10, 2024:

Pasadena Media on April 10, 2024:
Pasadena Now: March 15, 2024
Pasadena Now: https://www.pasadenanow.com/main/alliance-francaise-de-pasadena-celebrates-a-century-of-french-american-cultural-exchange
French Morning: https://frenchmorning.com/une-soiree-chic-pour-les-100-ans-de-lalliance-francaise-de-pasadena/
Califrenchlife: https://califrenchlife.com/2024/02/23/lalliance-francaise-de-pasadena-celebre-ses-100-ans/
Articles after the event: